Caribbean Heart Pine Flooring with a clear finish.
Caribbean Heart Pine Flooring
We now have 5/4 x 8″ material for stair treads! (rustic)
Caribbean Heart Pine is a beautiful wood prized throughout the world for its distinctive grain, rich, lustrous patina, and durable hardness. Manufactured with the same precision as our hardwoods, end-matched in long lengths, it is the perfect alternative to reclaimed heart pine.
Color and Photosensitivity:
Caribbean Heart Pine is uniform in color over a range from golden brown to red brown heartwood to lighter brown sapwood. Caribbean Heart Pine deepens in dark red color over time.
Prime Quality:
Our more refined quality is virtually clear of defects except occasional small pin knots. Color is more consistent and harmonious, with a high degree of red heartwood and limited sapwood.
Janka Hardness Rating:
1,240 lbs. (564 kg.) by comparison Northern Red Oak’s value is 1,290 lbs. (585 kg.)
Width movement in a 5′ face from a one percent change in moisture content is between 0.013″ and 0.015″. By comparison Northern Red Oak’s value is 0.007″ to 0.017″
Manufacturing Specifications:
Moisture content: 7% to 9%. Weight: 2.9 lbs./Sq. Ft. Unfinished – 3/4″ solid flooring (1/2″ thickness available in 5″ Face only) tongue & groove, square edge-end matched.
1′-12′ nested, avg. 7′
1′-12′ nested, avg. 7′
by special request”